Donizetti: Lammermoori Lucia – Raimondo
még több critiqueDate
2016. December 09.
Kondor Kata, Baljós jelek Opera-világ
István Kovács in the role of Raimondo offered a memorable performance through his refined singing and enchanting portrayal. His warm bass voice managed to convey a sensitive humanism, albeit revealing the inertness and powerlessness of these values in the world depicted in the opera. Erkel Theater, 02-12-2016 Kata Kondor, Baljós jelek in Opera-világ, 09-12-2016.
István Kovács in the role of Raimondo offered a memorable performance through his refined singing and enchanting portrayal. His warm bass voice managed to convey a sensitive humanism, albeit revealing the inertness and powerlessness of these values in the world depicted in the opera.
Erkel Theater, 02-12-2016
Kata Kondor, Baljós jelek in Opera-világ, 09-12-2016.