Doch dieser Stern glänzte durchaus in einem sehr guten Ensemble! Istvan Kovacs brachte für den bösen, am Ende geläuterten Pagano einen dunkel gefärbten Bass ein, der mit dem Tonumfang keine Probleme hatte, sowohl oben auftrumpfen, als auch unten „orgeln“, und mit guter Linienführung punkten konnte. Ein wenig mehr an Differenzierung und darstellerischer Autorität könnten ihn auch international in die erste Reihe seines Faches bringen.


Lucia di Lammermoor – Raimondo

Il resto del cast composto da cantanti locali vedeva in testa a tutti il basso Istvan Kovacs che è stato Raimondo per tutte e due le recite. Bellissima voce e e notevoli capacità interpretative e ottima pronuncia dell’italiano!

Storia di due “Lucie” Budapest 9 e 10 Febbraio 2019

Luminita Arvunescu: ”Lombarzii” și Elena Moșuc, imaginea Succesului la Opera Maghiară de Cluj-Napoca

The bass guest from the Hunagrian Opera, István Kovács, showed in his first apparence a Don Giovanni character , and then he transformed to Eremit.

István Kovács is an excepcional bass singer. The voice has a beautiful timbre, the singing is elastic, well trained and used by an intelligent artist. He is an artist who could show the mistic extasis of the role through the depth of is vocality.

30 Septembrie 2019



molto bravo l’aitante basso baritono Istvàn Kovàcs, Pagano di bel colore vocale e dalla voce potente e ben emessa, qualche comprensibile difficoltà nella dizione, che meriterebbe d’essere sciacquata in Arno: pure lui da riascoltare e magari in Italia.

Kolozsvàri Magyar Opera, 26 settembre 2019

I LOMBARDI ALLA PRIMA CROCIATA – Giuseppe Verdi, Romania 26 settembre 2019

Danilo Boaretto: I lombardi alla prima crociata

A dimostrazione della serietà con cui si lavora alla Kolozsvári Magyar Opera di Cluj, le buone prove offerte dagli altri artisti impegnati in questa rappresentazione. Su tutte va segnalata la prova dell’ottimo Pagano interpretato dal basso-baritono ungherese István Kovács che qualcuno ricorderà per i frequenti impegni avuti al Teatro Regio di Torino sotto la direzione artistica del compianto Claudio Desderi. Kovács ha mostrato una perfetta dizione italiana e grande attenzione alla parola scenica tratteggiando un personaggio sentito nel profondo, in cui ha saputo evidenziare i contrastanti aspetti del carattere, facendo buon uso della propria morbida vocalità e mostrando una corretta proprietà stilistica.

La recensione si riferisce alla recita del 29 settembre 2019.


Rossini’s Stabat Mater on Radio Bartók

There was a fantastic concert in Miskolc. The program was Rossini’s Stabat Mater.
Mátyás Antal was the conductor, and the soloists are Lilla Horti, Atala Schöck, István Horváth and István Kovács.
You can hear the concert on this link in the next 30 days:


Schubert: Winterreise

The least we can say about István Kovács is that he was able to resolve the massive problem both for the fastidious singer and the audience that stems from transposing of the Schubert-songs for bass voice. With the help of his performance we could make new explorations of this great classic. His full identification with the lyrics, his dark bass and his whole character was illuminating, mesmerizing the audience into envisioning the weird images he evoked. Kovács’s unshakeable calmness or excitement, sadness or rare serenity and the ultimate hoplessness were all genuine and convincing, his performance was an excellent Lied-performer achievement

Liszt Music Academy, 18-11-2016.

JánosMalina, Szépség gátak nélkül in Fidelio, 15-12-2016.

Donizetti: Lammermoori Lucia – Raimondo

István Kovács in the role of Raimondo offered a memorable performance through his refined singing and enchanting portrayal. His warm bass voice managed to convey a sensitive humanism, albeit revealing the inertness and powerlessness of these values in the world depicted in the opera.

Erkel Theater, 02-12-2016

Kata Kondor, Baljós jelek in Opera-világ, 09-12-2016.

Donizetti: Lammermoori Lucia – Raimondo

The most successful part of the performance was undoubtedly the scene of Raimondo (István Kovács) and Lucia, ensured largely by the rich lyricism of Kovács’s singing and acting.

Erkel Theater, 20-11-2016.

Máté Csabai, Lucia papírrepülője in Revizoronline.hu, 29-11-2016.

Mendelssohn: Elijah – Elijah

„Besides the conductor who harmonized the musical intentions, the main character of the performance was undoubtedly István Kovács, who portrayed the prophet, Elias. His powerful and regal bass voice endowed with rich shadings of nuance, was able to reflect the prophet’s various feelings, his passion, his spiritual complexity and temper. Kovács captures the prophet’s despair and struggle as he suffers persecution, but then prevails in the end.”

Liszt Music Academy, 09-03-2014.

Kristóf Csengery, MR Zenei Együttesek in Muzsika, 2014. may